From the Welcome Remarks of INSC 30 Years Anniversary Celebration Ceremony

Good Afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen! I am Poong Seong, a professor emeritus in nuclear engineering at KAIST, Korea, currently chairing the INSC. Today, I would like to thank all of you for coming to this ceremony and congratulating the INSC 30 years anniversary. I especially want to thank Mr. Rafael Grossi, the Director General of IAEA, and Mr. Carlos Duarte, the Ambassador of Brazil at the IAEA mission who generously let us use the Brazilian Booth for this ceremony.
INSC, standing for the International Nuclear Societies Council, was founded on November 11th, 1990, by 12 Charter Member Signatories. Its primary mission was to foster ongoing cooperation, communication and exchange of information among the world’s nuclear societies. Now the number of member societies has increased to 38, with the WiN Global joining as a new member from last year. INSC is currently estimated to represent more than 80,000 nuclear professionals worldwide. INSC holds the Non-Governmental Organization status of IAEA and UNEP. It has held general meetings twice a year for past 30 years and has published books and statements while pursuing its missions. INSC also runs a website hosted on the American Nuclear Society server, which periodically uploads country reports on various nuclear issues. Dr. Peter Ozemoyah who is the 1st vice chair of INSC will give more comprehensive presentations to you on the INSC history and accomplishments shortly.
After 30 years, INSC is working to reorganize its governance. INSC has had four executive officers, chair, 1st vice chair, 2nd vice chair and secretary/treasurer, with each officer working for a two-year mandate for each position and eight years in total. Now we are revamping this governance structure to have five officers by splitting the secretary/treasurer position into secretary and treasurer, and have each officer work for a one-year mandate for each position and five years in total. INSC is also making great effort to have a new fiscal structure by opening and keeping its own bank account these days. INSC is reorganizing the List of Delegates and Permanent Contacts of member societies, too. In short, INSC is working hard to make itself well furbished and organized with the great contribution of executive officers and members of Council.
Recognizing that nuclear energy including small modular reactors is indispensable for climate control/carbon neutral society and vital for future hydrogen economy, INSC is currently preparing a report tentatively titled “INSC NEXT 50-YEAR VISION REPORT” with the target of finalizing the report by May of 2022. INSC is also preparing two position statements with the target of COP27 in 2022.
We will have the second 2021 INSC general meeting today at Room M0E 05 (M building, ground floor, room 05) from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. If you are interested in attending the meeting as an observer or a guest, you are very much welcome.
If you are not able to attend this time but hope to join next time, you are welcome too! We are planning to have the 01-2022 Meeting in Jeju Island in Korea, which is a top tourist attraction with many famous resorts, where the Korean Nuclear Society’s Spring Meeting on May 19th 2022 is going to be held with more than 1000 Korean nuclear professionals expected to attend.
Thanking all of you again for coming to this ceremony, now I’d like to close my welcome remarks by saying “Please pay attention to INSC, the International Nuclear Societies Council, and show your great support”. INSC acts as a global forum for nuclear societies to discuss and establish common aims and goals!” Thank you.
Poong Hyun Seong
INSC Chair 2021-2022