Technical Actions

Technical Actions

Safety Convention

INSC views on the peer-review system for the Safety Convention were reported to the IAEA and the Convention Parties in December 1994 (Annex X). This system can accommodate the concept of a list of experts for peer-review made by INSC from inputs by Member Societies. A proposal containing a list of experts nominated by the Member Societies was sent to the Secretary of the Nuclear Safety Convention in spring 1995. (Currently, 57 experts have been nominated by ANA, AESJ, ANS, LAS and NEST). Informative actions took place, in the 1995-96 period, to explain to some Parties and governments the purpose and scope of this proposal. 

50-Year Vision of Future Nuclear Energy

Based on the accomplishment of the first fifty years of development, new directions of nuclear energy utilization in the second fifty years were analyzed from a global standpoint and a long-term view. After more than two years of work by the 50-Year Vision Committee, under the leadership of Mr Masao Hori, INSC published the report “A VISION FOR THE SECOND FIFTY YEARS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY — Vision and Strategies”. The original version was issued in English. You can read the whole English version of the 50-Year Vision Report here in this web site. The Report is now translated/published in Korean, Japanese, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Hebrew and Arabic languages. INSC holds the publication copyright. 

This report represents a professional, global, and uncompromised view of those engaged in the development and utilization of nuclear power and related research all around the world:

  • professional, because it was written by technical people who belong to Nuclear Societies that take part of INSC;
  • global, because it gathers the opinion of some 50,000 people from around the world who are represented at INSC through their Nuclear Societies;
  • compromised, because it reflects no political or commercial boundaries, just the consensus of the nuclear community worldwide.

A Press Release regarding this publication was issued in April 1996 as shown in Annex XI

Enhancement of Soviet Reactors Safety

Member Societies described the activities being performed in their countries for enhancing the safety of Soviet designed reactors. Data on actions taken by different countries for improving the safety of such reactors was consolidated by the 1995-96 Secretariat. 

Young Generation Nuclear Development

The Council decided to set up a Young Generation Development Committee to prepare a statement proposal to promote the work of younger generations in the nuclear area. The statement shall take into account the opinion of the young generation entering the nuclear business. 

A Statement to the COP3 by the INSC Council issued a Statement “REDUCING GLOBAL CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS” (Annex XII) in October 1997 to the Third Conference of the Parties (COP3) held in Kyoto in December 1997. 

A central tenet of the COP3 was that carbon dioxide from the combustion of fossil fuels may cause changes in the earth’s climate. An objective of the Conference would be to set limits on the emissions of carbon dioxide. The Council believes that the world’s capacity for generating electricity from nuclear power must be increased substantially, if we are to meet the ambitious targets for reducing global emissions of carbon dioxide. 

A Statement to the COP4 by the INSC

The Council issued a Statement “REDUCING GLOBAL CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS” (Annex XIII) in November 1998 to the Fourth Conference of the Parties (COP4) held in Buenos Aires.

Continuing the initiatives taken in Kyoto, INSC presented in Buenos Aires a new statement on “REDUCING GLOBAL CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS” that is basically an updating of the paper presented in Kyoto. Also several posters explaining what INSC is and introducing our publications “A Vision for the Second Fifty Years of Nuclear Energy ” and “Worldwide Integrated View on Main Nuclear Energy Issues ” were mailed to Asociacion Argentina de Tecnologia Nuclear (AATN) for their exhibition and distribution. We wish to thank AATN for the friendly collaboration offered to us.

INSC Action Plan for 1997 – 1998

As was agreed upon by the Council representatives and successfully executed by the Task Groups’ members, the INSC Action Plan for 1997 – 1998 book “Worldwide Integrated View on Main Nuclear Energy Issues” incorporating the seven papers elaborated over two years, 1997 and 1998, was presented in Nice last October in a Special Session performed in conjunction with ENC’98.

For this two-year term, eight subjects of great interest regarding nuclear energy have been discussed:

  • Nuclear Safety
  • Nuclear Non-Proliferation
  • Nuclear Role in Coming Future
  • Public Acceptance
  • Radioactive Waste
  • Risk
  • Low Doses
  • Young Generation Issues.