
INSC Award (Annex IX)


(Approved May 1, 1994)

The International Nuclear Societies Council (INSC) in the desire to promote recognition of noteworthy innovative efforts in the interests of safe and economically responsible peaceful application of nuclear technology herewith creates the


to honor an individual or program group whose international professional efforts in developing nuclear technology utilization in a sustainable manner for the welfare of society are in accordance with the principles of the INSC Global Creed. These efforts should be conducted such that the enhancement of public health and safety and environmental protection is integral and essential to the activity.

The AWARD will be given by the INSC to a person or to a specific project team of persons exclusively on the merit of their contributions regardless of nationality, domicile, language, religion, or sex.

The AWARD may be presented each year at an appropriate General Meeting of an INSC member Society or at an International Meeting of two or more INSC member Societies. The rotation of the ceremonies at which the presentation of the AWARD is made among the INSC member Societies is encouraged but is not mandatory.

The INSC Council Chairman will request the timely nomination of suitable candidates from the INSC member Societies. The Winner of the AWARD will be selected by the INSC from lists of candidates submitted by member Societies of INSC. Each member Society will identify its nominees as appropriate to its By-Laws and Procedures. Each member Society may submit up to two individual or project team candidates. Unsuccessful candidates must be renominated to be reconsidered.

The lists of candidates must be submitted to the INSC at least six months prior to the conference at which the AWARD is to be given. Following a review and subsequent recommendation by a special committee of the Council, the Winner of the AWARD should be selected by the INSC council a minimum of three months prior to the meeting at which the presentation is made. The INSC member Society that nominated the Winner will be notified in writing immediately.

The AWARD may not be given to more than one person or specific project team at a time. The INSC may abstain from selecting a winner in any year.

The AWARD consists of a suitable bronze figure and a framed certificate.

The INSC will be responsible for:

assuring the agreement and presence of the Winner of the AWARD,

preparing the bronze figure,

conducting the AWARD recognition ceremony.

The AWARD will be given by the Chairman of the INSC, or in the event of his or her absence, by one of the Vice-Chairmen of the INSC.

The INSC will bear the costs arising from the administration of this AWARD. The costs of the recognition ceremony will be borne by the hosting member Society. Travel expenses for the Winner of the AWARD will be borne by the member Society that nominated the Winner.

Modifications to these agreements have to be done in writing and have to be duly signed by representatives of the INSC and the member Societies.

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