Recent INSC Meetings
Last updated: Nov., 30, 2022
INSC Meeting 01-2022 Nov. 15, 2022
INSC Meeting 01-2022 May 19, 2022
INSC Executive Meeting (On-line) March 20, 2022
INSC Meeting 02-2021 September 22, 2021
2020 Global Award
Presented to Dr. Kondo Shunsuke, The president of Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan
INSC Meeting 02-2020 October 8, 2020
INSC had to hold its 02-2020 Meeting on Oct. 8 in a Virtual mode, because of the travel restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Twenty representatives of the Societies participated.
INSC Meeting 02-2019 November 20, 2019
INSC Meeting 01-2019 July 2, 2019
INSC Meeting 01-2019 July 2, 2019 (During the LAS-ANS Annual Symposium in Buenos Aires, Argentina)Attendees (in picture): Dr. Orpet Peixoto, (INSC Secretary/Treasurer), Fernando Naredo (INSC Chairman), and Ms Marilyn Kray (ANS President).Attendees (not in picture): Jaime Pahissa-Campa (LAS-ANS, INSC Past Chair), Jorge Spitalnik (LAS-ANS, INSC Past Chair), Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ, INSC Past Chair), and Marta Pahissa-Campa (AATN).
“Declaration from Nuclear Societies” Signing Ceremony During International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), May 12-15, 2019 in Juan-Les-Pins, France
During ICAPP 2019 INSC signed the Nuclear for Climate “Declaration from Nuclear Societies,” which was distributed at the “Tenth Clean Energy Ministerial Conference” held May 27-29, 2019, in Vancouver, Canada. The paper was also widely distributed prior to and during the COP24 Climate Conference held December 2-15, 2019, in Katowice, Poland.More than 40 nuclear associations representing over 80,000 scientists called on the Clean Energy Ministerial Conference (CEM), to commit to doubling public investment in nuclear-related R&D and innovation within the next five years. The associations said there should be a specific focus on innovative applications of advanced nuclear systems which can make possible the clean energy mix of the future.Investment in nuclear research remained constant at around $4bn annually (at 2014 values) since the year 2000, while in many countries the private sector has been less eager and struggling to invest in nuclear research because of negative political, market, and financial environments.However, the nuclear industry is currently undertaking a new wave of innovation related to digitalization, the development of new reactor designs (e.g. Small Modular Reactors, Generation IV reactors), and the introduction of new alternative applications like desalination, district heating, and process heat for industry.These projects are expected to open new market opportunities for the use of nuclear power together with other clean energy sources, but they require significant R&D investment and new innovative approaches.At the same time, a large proportion of the R&D infrastructure is becoming obsolete and needs to be renewed not only to support the development of this new wave of innovative reactors, but also to produce the radioisotopes needed for the development of nuclear medicine.Fernando Naredo, current Chair of the INSC, said: “It is a very significant development that this initiative of the ENS High Scientific Council and the French Nuclear Society (SFEN) has been adopted by so many professional nuclear societies around the world and the International Nuclear Societies Council, because together they represent more than 80,000 scientists and engineers in the nuclear field”.A copy of the declaration is provided using the link “Declaration from Nuclear Societies 051319” listed under “Annex – References” on the INSC website homepage.
Presentation of the INSC Global Award 2018 during INSC 02-2018 Meeting September 19, 2018 (during IAEA General Conference in Vienna, Austria)
The INSC Global Award 2018 was resented to Dr. Lydia Paredes who represented recipient Juan Eibenschutz, Director-General of Mexico’s National Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards, Mexico. The inscription on the award reads as follows:“For his contributions to planning and implementing the Mexican nuclear power programme, improving operational safety, and ensuring the functioning of non-proliferation safeguards in Mexico.”Back Row: Poong Hyun SEONG (KNS, INSC 2nd Vice Chair), Shigeaki Okajima (AESJ), Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ, past INSC Chair), Peter Ozemoyah (CNS, INSC Secretary), João J. Furley dos Santos (LAS-ANS Treasurer)Front Row: Marta Pahissa-Campa (AATN), Fernando Naredo (ENS, INSC 1st Vice Chair), Lydia Paredes (Director General, Mexico’s National Institute for Nuclear Research), Jaime Pahissa-Campa (LAS-ANS, INSC Chair), Jorge Spitalnik (LAS-ANS, Past INSC Chair)
INSC 01-2018 Meeting April 10, 2018 (during ICAPP 2018 in Charlotte, USA)
Attendees: Peter Ozemoyah (INSC Secretary,CNS), Fernando Naredo (ENS, INSC 1st Vice Chair), William Burchill (ANS, INSC Past Chairman), Mitsuru Uesaka (AESJ Representative), Ling-Huan Chiao (NEST Representative), John Kelly (President, ANS), Jaime Pahissa Campa (INSC Chairman, AATN)
INSC 02-2017 Meeting October 31, 2017 (during ANS Winter Meeting in Washington D.C, USA)
Attendees: Jaime Pahissa Campa (AATN President), Peter Ozemoyah (CNS Past President), Gustavo Alonso (SNM President), Fernando Naredo (ENS General Secretary, INSC 1st ViceChairman, Hisashi Ninokata (INSC Past Chairman,AESJ Representative), Kiyoshi Yamauchi (AESJ Representative), Valerie Faudon (FNS/ENS) and Lin-Huan Chiao (NEST Representative), William Burchill (INSC Past Chairman, ANS)
INSC 01-2017 Meeting June 20, 2017 (during 2017 Annual Congress of SNM and LAS/ANS in Mexico City, Mexico)
Attendees: Jaime Pahissa Campà (AATN President), Peter Ozemoyah (CNS Past President), Gustavo Alonso (SNM President), Fernando Naredo (ENS General Secretary), Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ Representative) Kiyoshi Yamauchi (AESJ Representative), Valerie Faudon (FNS/ENS) and Lin-Huan Chiao (NEST representative)
INSC Meeting September 27, 2016 during IAEA General Conference
Attendees (left-to-right):: William Burchill (INSC Chair, ANS), Ling-Huan Chiao (NEST), Marta Pahissa-Campa (AATN), Juan Eiberschutz (SNM), Nikola Cavlina (HND), Reginald Vachon (ANS), Jaime Pahissa-Campa (INSC 1st Vice Chair, AATN), Jean-Pol Poncelet (ENS, SFEN), Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ), Vladimir Slugen (ENS, SNUS), Valerie Faudon (ENS, SFEN), Bob Coward (ANS ), Jorge Spitalnik (LAS), Andrew Klein (ANS ), Bob Holmes (ENS, The Nuclear Institute), and Jooho Whang (KNS).
Presentation of 2016 Global Award
Presented to Dame Sue Ion, The Nuclear Institute, United Kingdom:
Award accepted on Dame Ion’s behalf by Bob Holmes.
Pictured left-to-right: Jaime Pahissa-Campa (Chair, INSC Honors & Awards Committee), Bob Holmes (The Nuclear Institute), Bill Burchill (INSC Chair)
2016 Global Award
Presented to Dame Sue Ion, The Nuclear Institute, United Kingdom:
“For her brilliant trajectory as a nuclear engineering expert, for her commitment to finding a solution to the energy challenge, for her role in shaping the U.K.’s future energy policy by inspiring a realistic approach among the country’s leaders, for her support for educational programs, toward strengthening the future workforce. Sue Ion represents U.K. nuclear science on the international stage.”
INSC Meeting April 19, 2016, at ICAPP 2016
Seated: Jaime Pahissa-Campa (LAS), INSC 1st Vice-Chair
Standing left-to-right: Marta Pahissa-Campa (LAS); Richard Denning (ANS), 2014 INSC Global Awardee; Jorge Spitalnik (LAS), INSC Past Chair; William Burchill (ANS), INSC Chair
Attending but not shown in picture: Eugene S. Grecheck (ANS), Kiyoshi Yamauchi (AESJ), Poong Hyun Seong (KNS), Jan Van Erp (ANS), and Valerie Vasilievas (INSC Secretariat)
INSC Meeting, November 10, 2015, during ANS Winter Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
Participants shown in picture(left-to-right): Poong Hyun Seong (KNS President), Peter Ozemuyah (CNSSNC 1st Vice President), Jan Van Erp (ANS), William E. Burchill (INSC Chair, ANS), Gabriel Calleros (SNM Vice President), Jorge Spitalnik (LAS-ANS), Wei-Wu Chao (NEST), Jean-Pol Poncelet (ENS Secretary General), Valerie Vasilievas (INSC Secretariat), Fred Boyd (CNS-SNC), Valerie Faudon (SFEN Director General), Jaime Pahissa-Campa (INSC 1st Vice Chair, AATN), Marta Pahissa (AATN), Kiyoshi Yamauchi (AESJ), Bernard Jolly (SFEN), James Bunsen (ANS, Observer), Gustavo Alonzo (SNM), Kune Y. Suh (INSC Secretary-Treasurer, KNS), Gabriel M. DeBellefon (ANS, Observer), Oum Keltoum Bouhelal (ENIM, Morocco, Observer)
Participants not shown in picture: Eugene S. Grecheck (ANS President)
INSC 25th Anniversary Recognition during ANS Winter Meeting Global Leadership Reception, November 7, 2015
INSC Meeting, May 6, 2015 during ICAPP 15, Nice, France
Participants shown in picture:: Kune Y. Suh (KNS, INSC Secretary-Treasurer), William E. Burchill (ANS Past President, INSC Chair), Jan Van Erp (ANS), Valerie Vasilievas (ANS Secretariat), Reiko Fujita (AESJ President), Michaele Brady Rapp (ANS President), Jaime Pahissa-Compa (AATN President, INSC 1st Vice-Chair), Jorge Spitalnik (LAS/ANS, INSC Past Chair), Marta Pahissa-Compa (AATN), Juan Luis Francois (SNM), Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ, INSC Past Chair), Urtnasan Enkhtuvshin (MNS President), Sophie Perot (SFEN)
Participants not shown in picture:: Agustin Alonso (SNE Past President), Cecilia Martin del Campo (SNM Past President), Beernard Jolly (SFEN, INSC Past Chair), Robert Parker (ANA President), Mitja Ursic (DJS), Dumitru Serghiuta (CaNS), Staffan Qvist (SKS), Valerie Faudon (SFEN, ENS)
INSC Meeting, November 11, 2014 during 2014 ANS Winter Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA
Front Row left-to-right: Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ, INSC Chairman); Jaime Pahissa-Campa (AATN, INSC 2nd Vice Chairman); Valerie Faudon (SFEN/ENS); Konatsu Orihara (AESJ, INSC Secretariat)
Back Row left-to-right: Gene Carpenter (ANS); Wau-Kune Cheng (NEST); Jacques Plourde (CNS); Krish Krishnan (CNS); Satoshi Konishi (AESJ); Jorge Spitalnik (LAS/ANS); William Burchill (ANS, INSC 1st Vice Chairman); Santiago San Antonio (SNE/ENS).
INSC Chairman Hisashi Ninokata presents the INSC 2014 Global Award to Richard S. Denning, Professor of Nuclear Engineering at the Ohio State University.
INSC Global Award Recipient with INSC Officers
Pictured left-to-right: Jaime Pahissa-Campa (INSC 2nd Vice Chairman), Hisashi Ninokata (INSC Chairman), Richard S. Denning (2014 Global Award recipient), William Burchill (INSC 1st Vice Chairman)
INSC 2014 Global Award Certificate & Trophy
INSC Meeting, April 17 2014, during KAIF/KNS Conference, Busan, ROK
Front row: Heather Kleb (CNS)
Jaime Pahissa-Campa (AATN, INSC 2nd Vice Chairman),
Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ, INSC Chairman),
William Burchill (ANS, INSC 1st Vice Chairman)
Second row: Jorge Spitalnik (LAS/ANS
Kiyoshi Yamauchi (AESJ),
Yong Ho Ryu (KNS),
Konatsu Orihara (INSC Secretariat)
Picture at INSC Meeting, (12 November 2013, Washington, DC, USA)
Standing (Left to right): Frank Doyle (CaNS)Juan-Luis Francois (MNS)John Harries (ANA)William E. Burchill (ANS, INSC 1st Vice Chairman)Wei-Wu Chao (NEST), Jorge Spitalnik (LAS)Kiyoshi Yamauchi (AESJ)Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ, INSC Chairman)Reggie Vachon (INEA/ANS)Bernard F. Jolly (ENS/SFEN)
Seated: Jaime Pahissa-Campa (AATN, INSC 2nd Vice Chairman)
INSC (26 June 2013 meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Standing Left-to-right: Masashi Hirano (AESJ),
Rafael Ledesma (MNS), Ruth Soaréves (ABEN)Mike Diekman (INSC Secretariat, ANS)Shigeo Nomura (AESJ), William Burchill (INSC 1st Vice Chairman, ANS)
Seated Left-to-right: Hisashi Ninokata (INSC Chairman, AESJ)
Jaime Pahissa-Campa (INSC 2nd Vice Chairman, AATN)Jorge Spitalnik (LAS)
LAS/ANS Symposium INSC Special Session Panel 1
Left-to-right: Julio Ricardo Barreto Cruz (CNEN, Brazil)
Masashi Hirano (Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, Japan),Rafael Ledesma (SNM, Mexico)William D. Magwood (NRC Commissioner, USA)Ruben Navarro (ARN, Argentina)Jorge Spitalnik (INSC session organizer, LAS, Brazil)
LAS/ANS Symposium INSC Special Session Panel 2
Standing Left-to-right:Jorge Spitalnik (LAS-ANS Symposium Technical Program Chair)
William Burchill (INSC 1st Vice-Chairman, Panel 2 Organizer & Chair),Luiz Soares (LAS Chair)Karl Heinz Poets (ENS)Don Hoffman (ANS President)Shigeo Nomura (AESJ President)
Seated: Jaime Pahissa Campa, (AATN President)
Panelist not in picture: Chengkui Liao (Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute, China)
2012 Global Award presentation at INSC Meeting, (10 November 2012, San Diego, CA, USA)
Left-to-right: Jaime Pahissa-Campa (AATN, INSC Secretary-Treasurer)
Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ, INSC 1st Vice Chairman)
Bernard F. Jolly (ENS/SFEN, INSC Chairman)
Chang Kun Lee (2012 INSC Global Award recipient)
Jorge Spitalnik (LAS, INSC Past Chairman)
INSC Meeting Attendees (June 26, 2012. Chicago, USA.)
Seated (Left to Right): John Roberts (CaNS)
Jaime Pahissa-Campa (AATN, INSC Secr-Treas)Bernard Jolly (ENS, INSC Chair)Gustavo Alonso (MNS, INSC Past-Chair)
Standing (Left to Right): Liangzhi Cao (ChNS)Frank Doyle (CaNS)Kazuaki Matsui (AESJ)Florence Lowe-Lee (KNS)Fred Boyd (CaNS)Ben Rouben (CaNS)Hisashi Ninokata (AESJ, INSC 1st. Vice-Chair)Mike Diekman (ANS, INSC Secretariat)Victor Shian-Shing Shyu (NEST)Bill Burchill (ANS, INSC 2nd. Vice-Chair)
Also Attending but not in photo: Kiyoshi Yamauchi (AESJ, Corey K. McDaniel (ANS)
INSC Meeting at ICAPP in Nice, France.
(photo from the May 11, 2011 meeting)
Standing, left to right: William E. Burchill, INSC Second Vice Chair;Bernard F. Jolly, INSC Chair;Kiyoshi Yamauchi, Atomic Energy Society of Japan
Representative to INSC;
Hisashi Ninokata, INSC 1st Vice Chair;Gustavo Alonso, INSC Immediate Past Chair
20th. INSC Anniversary (25 October 2010. Cancún México)
Participant societies represented at the meeting.American Nuclear SocietyAtomic Energy Society of JapanAustralian Nuclear AssociationCanadian Nuclear SocietyChinese Nuclear SocietyEuropean Nuclear SocietyIsrael Nuclear SocietyKorean Nuclear SocietyLatin American Section – ANSNuclear Energy Society Taipei, ChinaSociedad Nuclear Mexicana
Stanley R. Hatcher received the 2010 INSC Global Award
Stanley R. Hatcher received the 2010 INSC Global Award at the Award Ceremony that took place on 27th October 2010 in Cancun, Mexico in conjunction with the 17th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference 2010.
The INSC Global Award is given on behalf of the Council’s worldwide member nuclear societies for outstanding international efforts in developing nuclear technology use in a sustainable manner for the welfare of society. The efforts of the Global Award recipient are to enhance public health and safety and to protect the environment. [List of Award Recipients]
The text of the Award for Stanley R. Hatcher read as follows:
President, Hatcher & Associates
For his exceptional leadership in the promotion of nuclear technology information sharing with other countries, particularly of CANDU-type reactors, through technical exchanges, technology transfer, training, and by establishing international programs of nuclear cooperation with nuclear professionals and institutions of different countries of the Pacific Rim, Europe, and the Americas.
Cancun, Mexico October 27, 2010.
Shown in the photo during the award ceremony are, from left to right, 2009-2010 INSC Chairman Gustavo Alonso, the 2010 Global Award recipient Stanley R. Hatcher, Mexican Nuclear Society President Cecilia Martin del Campo and, Pacific Nuclear Council 2010-2012 President Juan Luis François.